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Better Than a Chemical Peel: This Gadget Replaced My Skincare Routine AND Gave Me Better Hair Too!

Tuesday, July 30, 2024 | By Dave Freeman

I Have a Confession…

I’ve always struggled with my skin. I think I was about 6 years old the last time it looked good.

My teen years were plagued with acne. My 20s too. Then I rolled right into the premature wrinkles and dry skin era. Along with some adult acne.

It felt like I’d never have clear, smooth, hydrated skin.

I used acne-prone skincare options in an effort to get rid of the blemishes. Then I switched to retinoids to try to address the fine lines and wrinkles.

But both types of products left my skin red, irritated and dry.

So I added a heavy nighttime moisturizer to combat the dryness. But it only made my pores more clogged.

I tried a pared-down skincare routine of nothing but oil cleansing. My skin felt less dry and tight, but I still had redness, breakouts, and of course wrinkles.

I was beginning to lose hope…

AND I was also becoming completely obsessed with getting the perfect skin.

I was in a bad spot, mentally.

I started wearing tinted sunscreen in an effort to look more natural and let my skin breathe . I thought heavy foundation could be irritating my skin.

But it settled into my creases just like foundation did. And there was no other makeup or color to distract from my terrible skin.

In desperation, I booked an appointment with an esthetician. 

I did a series of chemical peels over the next few months. The breakouts improved a little and my wrinkles were less pronounced. BUT…

I had a full week of terrible peeling that made it impossible to leave the house. I mean, huge chunks of skin loosened up and peeled off. I looked like a snake shedding its skin .

It felt like I was trading constant flakiness for a week of intense peeling. And at $200 bucks a pop , it was a trade I wasn’t willing to make!

On top of that, my skin still felt dry.

It Seemed Like Nothing Could Help My Skin

I was starting to think there was something seriously wrong with my skin. Did I have some sort of scaly skin disorder? Why was I still breaking out in my 30s?

Deep down, I thought my skin might be beyond repair .

A Trip To the Mailbox Changed Everything

After my final chemical peel, I put on a hat and ran across the street to the neighborhood mailboxes. It was during that phase where I felt like a snake shedding its skin.

And wouldn’t you know it, my gorgeous neighbor Jen pulled up in her SUV to check her mail. 

I tried to hide my face , but she said,

“Girl, don’t act like you don’t see me here! How you doin?”

As I turned toward her, she looked shocked when she saw me.

“Ok, I see why you’re hiding! I’ve been there. Recovering from a chemical peel, huh?”

I admitted that I was.

Jen told me that she used to get chemical peels to help fend off premature aging.

“But you have beautiful skin!” I said in disbelief.

And that’s when Jen told me the secret to her clear, smooth skin . And I never would have guessed it…

Jen said that she’d been using a filtering shower head called Shower Envy 2.0. It improved her skin (and hair!) so much that she was able to:

  • Simplify her skincare routine
  • Enjoy plump, hydrated skin instead of tight, dry skin
  • Significantly reduce breakouts and blemishes
  • Slow down the progression of her fine lines and wrinkles
  • AND improve her hair health too!

Not Your Typical Skincare Routine…

Shower Envy 2.0 is a handheld shower head that uses minerals to filter 98% of contaminants from your water. It uses

  • Orange Maifan Stones, also called Masato Stones, significantly reduce fluoride and remove 98% of bacteria
  • White Calcium Sulfite Stones remove 99% of chlorine, heavy metals, and chloramines
  • Black Alkaline Tourmaline reduces water clustering to remove THMs from the water, removes odors, and balances the water’s PH

The result is less irritation and dryness. Because many people don’t realize that the ROOT CAUSE of their skin and hair issues is their water!

It also saturates your scalp, hair, and skin with nutrients from the Maifan Stone. This strengthens your skin barrier, hydrating skin and hair for just pennies a day.

How I Finally Freed Myself From the Vicious Cycle of Dryness, Peeling, and Irritated Skin

The next day, Jen came by my house with a Shower Envy 2.0. Yes, a literal shower head in her hand!

She took it out of her guest bathroom for me to try.

Not gonna lie, I was a little mad that she was so unbelievably nice. But I was also super thankful to try it out.

I unscrewed my shower head and replaced it with Jen’s in about 5 minutes . And I hopped right in the shower even though my hair was still wet from that morning’s shower!

I Kinda Hate How Well This Works…

Hear me out. I love it. I love the Shower Envy 2.0. I’m just mad that I suffered so much for so many years – not to mention spending a small fortune on products and chemical peels – when the solution was so effortless.

Here’s what my Shower Envy 2.0 journey looked like: 

Day 1:

I showered and washed my face…again. Of course my skin was a little tight and dry from showering twice that morning. I used a moisturizer and sunscreen on my face, and let my hair air dry. I didn’t notice anything different.

Day 3:

I washed my hair again, and I noticed that my hair felt a little less straw-like. My skin still felt dry, but I started to think maybe my blemishes were clearing up a little.

Day 14:

The two week mark was pretty momentous for me. That’s where I noticed that my skin no longer felt tight and dry after showering. I still used my usual moisturizer, but I wasn’t desperately slapping it onto my still-wet skin. It’s like I would almost forget to apply it! For me, that seemed like a small miracle. My hair felt softer and more moisturized too.

Day 28:

This is when I decided it couldn’t be a fluke. I’d NEVER had a full month of dewy skin. At least not since my childhood. I wasn’t aging in reverse or anything, but my skin was retaining moisture, my hair was less frizzy, and I was feeling more confident in my own skin. Literally.

Day 60:

I kind of forgot to document my progress, but it’s only because I was so in love with my new normal! By the two month mark, I no longer needed acne-prone skincare products because the blemishes were all but gone. I had reintegrated a gentle retinoid, so my wrinkles were improving. And the best part was that my dryness was GONE! I kid you not, a simple moisturizer kept my skin plump and dewy. 

When I gave back Jen’s Shower Envy 2.0, I told her I’d bought one for both of our bathrooms. My kids use it now too, because I don’t want them bathing in toxins or irritants either! 

I hope to give my kids the confidence of clear skin for their whole lives! I don’t want anyone to deal with the obsessive skincare thoughts that I had.

I’m Proud of My Skin Now

Some Final Thoughts on Shower Envy 2.0

I believe this shower head can help with all kinds of skin and hair issues. Of course, I only used it to improve my acne, wrinkles, redness, and dryness. It was a pleasant surprise that it improved my hair texture too.

But I think it could be great for anyone who’s prone to rashes or acne , or anyone who wants better hair .

It also helps budget-conscious people save money because it can help you use up to 30% less water. 

And if you like high water pressure, it also improves water pressure by 200%!

Here’s why I’d recommend Shower Envy 2.0 to pretty much anyone:

I hope you love Shower Envy 2.0 as much as I do!

A Special Offer for Our Readers:

When you claim your Shower Envy 2.0 today, you can save up to 55% off the regular price!


What Are People Saying About Shower Envy 2.0?

HUGE Difference in my Eczema!
Absolutely amazing! I got mine about a week ago and see a huge difference in my eczema. My skin and hair has never felt so amazing. Three settings on it is great. Definitely told all my friends about it!
-August Otway.

100x Easier to Wash Hair!
My best purchase this year! This showerhead has made my hair washing routine 10x easier. The water pressure is powerful yet soft at the same time. I'm mind blown. Definitely worth the investment!
-Chantel C.

Soft Skin & Hair, Great Pressure
Me and my boyfriend got one 6 months ago and we LOVE IT! It forever changed the way we shower. Soft skin, my hair no longer feels like straw. It’s made it feel so soft. The pressure is great. I love that I can turn it on and off with just a button. And best of all when you stand under it, it feels like I ‘m under a waterfall. So so great. Definitely recommend this.
-Kate Beleal

I was skeptical at first, then this shower head proved me wrong!
I freaking love this showerhead! It feels so good on my skin and I feel so refreshed and skin is hydrated. My boyfriend loves it too! He says it’s like a mist feel. I like the spray settings too, ugh just in love with this!

A Special Offer for Our Readers:

When you claim your Shower Envy 2.0 today, you can save up to 55% off the regular price!

Check Discounts & Availability
As of : Ever since Shower Envy 2.0 was released, it had garnered an incredible amount of attention and praise.

Due to its popularity and positive reviews, the company wants to get more shower heads into the hands of people whose skin is crying out for help. The people at Shower Envy know how difficult summer weather can be if you suffer from skin irritations. That’s why they’re offering a steep discount to help alleviate the stress.

This deal won’t last long. If you’re interested, we recommend shopping ASAP.